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Give a Bird a home

Since the fall of 2017, over 1000 Winchester Trail students have collaborated with the Art Guild on a Project Based Learning unit called, Creating for Community: Give a Bird a Home. Students researched Central Ohio Birds through Design Time with Mrs. Adams. The birdhouses were built by Mr. Dennison’s Career Technology students from Fairfield Career Center. The houses were then decorated in the Winchester Trail art classes with Mrs. Cordle and Mrs. Henderly. WTES students and the CW Art Guild displayed birdhouses on WT soccer fields, the school garden, the community golf course and throughout the community. The birdhouses and a wishing tree were on display at Stradley Plaza during the Canal Winchester Art Stroll.  This year individual students in three classes painted the remaining birdhouses and took them home, promising to hang them for the CW birds.

Fifth grade students collaborated to paint an interactive bird wing mural for the garden area. Decorative birdhouses were also displayed with the mural. The students were inspired by the artist, Kelsey Montague and her interactive mural displays. Mrs. Cordle’s third graders created ceramic flowers, and birds to be displayed in the school garden between Indian Trail and Winchester Trail. These flowers and birds tied the mural and decorative birdhouses together, beautifully!

Wings installed in April of 2019. These were funded by the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education.

error: Please contact our artists if you would like to use their pictures.